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The most imported categories of products in 2019 are represented by vehicles, machinery including computers, iron and steel, textiles, electrical machinery, jewelry, fuel, plastic articles, marble tiles and ceramic, nuts and dry fruits and many others.

Due to profitable price targets and huge volume of domestic production, import from Turkey became an extemely attractive business option.

We would like to headlight just few particular product which are leading the export from Turkey:

GOLD: Turkey is the 8th biggest exporter of gold in the world. Quality and specifical colour are highly appreciated abroad.

RAW IRON BARS: Turkey is the largest iron bar exporter in the world and share 24 % of the annual market which values 11.1 billion $. The seconnd possition is taken by Italy. Export destinations are USA, UAE, Israel and Egypt.

WHEAT FLOURS: Turkey is the leading exporter of wheat flour, with an annual export rate of 25 %, represented by 4.29 billion $. Turkey is being a kay trader of grains and mentains its leader positions thanks to two modern flour mills located close to the strategical seaports of Istanbul.

CITRUS FRUITS: Turkey has 6.8 % share of the export market and it’s the fourth largest exporter of citrus fruits, while Spain is the leader. Russia has become an important export destination for Turkey, as volume export have increased more than 30% during last years.

Turkey is the second largest exporter of knit shirts with an annual share of 5.5 %, which represents 34 billion dollars. China is the market leader with 25 %.

There are a lot of options when it comes import from Turkey. We are here to help you finding the right product.

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